Friday, August 14, 2009

Just for Grandpa

Lately, Sofia's drawing skills have been improving. The pediatrician told us that its a developmental milestone when toddlers start drawing people with eyes, ears, hair, all the different features that make a body. So here are some of Sofia's first pictures she's been drawing. She was so proud of them, she wanted to show them off for Grandpa so we promised to send the pictures to Grandpa.

Of course, while I was taking the pictures Maddie wanted in on the fun and she sneak in to some of the pictures.

On a side note- Sofia's turning out to be left-handed. Kinda strange because we're not left-handed and I don't think any of the immediate family is left-handed. To make it more strange, Maddie is leaning towards being right-handed. Go figure!

This is supposed to be Sofia and Grandpa in the picture

(Maddie accidentally stepped on Sofia's foot so you see the beginnings of Sofia crying here. Amazing that the nice moments can go downhill so quickly!)

This is a nice picture, before the foot stomp (see previous note)

Maddie sneaking into the shot

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