Friday, July 31, 2009

Free Kids Legoland Coupon @ Jiffy Lube

Right now, you can get a free kids hopper ticket for Legoland and Sealife when you get any automotive service at Jiffy Lube. Seems like a cool deal if you need to get an oil change any way and then it saves you like $75 off the kids ticket. Link to the Jiffy Lube Legoland free coupon details here.
Maybe we'll try to make it to Legoland soon. My family & I went to Legoland in Denmark, back when we were living in Germany and I remember it being so much fun. The best part was the pit of Legos where you could build whatever you wanted.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Sofia would be embarassed if she was a little older, but right now she's a little 3 yr old toddler who thinks picking her nose is sooooo funny. And she's so proud of it too. You go girl!

One Hundred Push-ups Complete!

Its been a little more than 6 weeks, but I managed to get through this cool little program were you work up to doing one hundred push-ups. My test was last week and I did it! Yay!

I have to admit, I was skeptical when I first started, especially since I could only do like 2 pushups before wimping out. The program really helped me work up the strength. And my arms are looking a little more toned too. No more grandma waddles!!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Eagle Hair

Maddie had gotten her hair fixed up at daycare and when I took the little hairband out of her hair at the end of the day, her hair still stood straight up. You can see the pics for yourself.

Matt & I were laughing about it and jokingly said her hair looked like "Flock of Seagulls" (member them, the bad 80s band with crazy hair?). Well, Sofia overheard us but thought we said "Eagle hair" and she wanted eagle hair too. This is out attempt to give her "eagle hair."

Monday, July 13, 2009

Addicted to Pinkberry

A friend of ours gave us coupons for Pinkberry so this weekend we went and tried the yougurt. We are now officially hooked! The yogurt is so yummy. Sadly, I think it tastes even better than The Yogurt Mill (out in El Cajon). We liked it so much we went both on Saturday and Sunday.

Sofia was really sad when she finished her yogurt (below). Maybe we'll go back again this weekend.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Testing out posts via Ping.FM